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Nutritious honey enriched with vital biomolecules quickly assimilated present in royal jelly and bee pollen.

For a fantastic female sexual attraction with remarkable measurements.

Increase vitality and tissue buildup

For a firmer chest with a smoother complexion

Stimulates female desire and enhances orgasm

Regulates the menstrual cycle

Relieves vasomotor symptoms and improves sexual activity in postmenopausal women.

For women improves breast and body shape.

It is a vast source of energy that enhances nutrient absorption and stimulates metabolic reactions for tissue buildup.

Excess supply of amino acids and

vitamins, especially anti-oxidants, promote vitality and the anti-aging process.


Each sachet contains:

Kacip Fatimah leaf extract 0.8g

Royal jelly 0.6g

Bee pollen 0.2g

Bee larva powder 1.0g

Pure honey 17.4g

Kacip Fatima

Labisia pumila is one of the most popular and potent ingredients used in traditional herbal preparations or 'jamus' for after-birth care. It is administered by almost all midwives and traditional healers in urban and rural areas, including the natives of the jungle. So far there have been no or very few attempts to cultivate this plant. They are normally collected from the wild, the plant has been used for a long time by Malaysians and aboriginal tribes as traditional medicine for women. It is primarily used by women after childbirth to firm and tone muscles, as a health tonic to increase energy, improve blood circulation, regulate the menstrual cycle and for anti-aging purposes.

Royal jelly

Nature's most essential health tonic formulated to boost energy and the immune system. It improves lymphocyte function, especially in older people who may suffer from recurrent infections. Royal jelly contains 22 amino acids including the 8 essential ones as well as vitamins A, C, D, E, K and B, minerals and essential ecanoic fatty acids with antibacterial activity.

bee larva powder

Bee larvae are used as a traditional Chinese remedy  for colds, detoxification and pesticides*1, and are used as food in Thailand and Japan Bee larvae contain minerals such as amino acids, lipids, magnesium and potassium, as well as vitamins like the B-complex vitamins. Amino acids and proteins account for as much.

Effectiveness may differ from person to person.

This is not a drug but a food supplement, it is honey with a complex of natural plants


This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As always, please consult a healthcare professional before beginning any diet or exercise.


Please follow our instructions for use.

can take 1 to 2 sachets per week to  keep mental and physical shape, fight fatigue, perform well in sport, dynamic at work, powerful during your sexual relations.


If you are allergic to bee pollen, honey or any bee by-product and if you are pregnant, diabetic or have heart problems please do not consume.

PACKAGING: 12 sachets of 20g






  • - Augmentez la vitalité et l'accumulation de tissus

    - Pour une poitrine plus ferme avec un teint plus lisse

    - Stimule le désir féminin et améliore l'orgasme

    - Régule le cycle menstruel

    - Soulage les symptômes vasomoteurs et améliore l'activité sexuelle chez les femmes ménopausées.

    - Pour femme améliore la forme du sein et du corps.


    C'est une vaste source d'énergie qui améliore l'absorption des nutriments et stimule les réactions métaboliques pour l'accumulation de tissus.

    L'apport excédentaire d'acides aminés et de

    vitamines, en particulier ceux anti-oxydants, favorise la vitalité et le processus anti-vieillissement.

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